Donnerstag, 28.04.2011

Look, he even spells out “at!”

Interior, Bistro, Lower Manhattan.

Hal Hartley (early-fifties, laid-back but troubled) sits and frowns at a page deep in the middle of Roberto Belano’s The Savage Detectives. He turns over a page, finishes a chapter, and removes his reading glasses. He contemplates his double espresso. Meanwhile, to his left three casually well-dressed young executives continue a heated discussion…

CHET: It’s outrageous!

LOLA: Let me see.

Chet holds out his mobile device and shows Lola a text message. Their friend, Kurt, paces nearby, scheming distractedly.

CHET: Why text “would you like to meet for drinks at seven?

KURT (stops and turns): Did he spell “seven” or just use a number?

LOLA: He spells it out!

CHET: Now that’s just verbose.

KURT (his suspicions confirmed): Or worse!

LOLA: “Drinks at numeral seven question mark” is like I guess beneath his dignity? Look, he even spells out “at!”

KURT: (fatigued) This is more complicated than I thought.

Hartley decides it’s probably a good time to evaporate. He leaves some bills on the small table and heads for the door with his book. Lola notices him and grabs Chet’s arm…

LOLA: Hey, is that?

CHET: You mean?

LOLA: The guy who made, oh, you know, what’s it called?

KURT: You mean with the girl and the book and the guy from the television repair shop?

LOLA: Something like that. It’s unimportant, really. I was moved, true. But I was young.

* This week Hal Hartley started a blog in the form of a screenplay charting his fictional adventures in the all-too-real world: action, adventure, romance, endless digression, furious debate, shameless self-promotion…

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