Dienstag, 16.12.2008

Sharon Lockhart | Becky Allen | James Benning

Aus Anlass der Sharon Lockhart-Ausstellung in der Wiener Secession, in der neben Fotografien und zwei neuen Filmarbeiten (LUNCH BREAK, 35mm auf HD, 80 min | EXIT, 16mm, 40 min, beide von 2008) auch Teile aus James Bennings Baseballsammelkarten-Collection zu sehen sind, hier ein Hinweis auf Becky Allens Website.

Becky Allen hat – wie schon bei KHALIL, SHAUN, A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUECE (1993), bei TEATRO AMAZONAS (1999) und in PINE FLAT (2005) – den Score für LUNCH BREAK (in diesem Fall gemeinsam mit Benning) komponiert. Über die Arbeit an TEATRO AMAZONAS schreibt sie: „The film was a live filming of the choir concert and therefore the premiere of the piece. The entire sound track focuses on the music and incidental sound that is heard through the film. The concert premiered at the baroque opera house, Teatro Amazonas, in Manaus Brazil. I worked directly with a 60-person choir from Manaus; the Choral Do Amazonas. The performance was recorded live the day of the shoot with a 60-person choir. I began the piece with a large chord cluster of all 60 voices at the start of the film. Then, slowly and imperceptibly, the clustered voices progress to a single note over the period of 24 minutes. As the music decays it slowly fuses into the incidental sounds made by the audience.“

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