„[…] And this was largely the same culture (if not precisely the same country, or the same population) that chose – during the preparation of this catalogue, in late June – to suspend virtually two weeks of world news coverage on national television for the sake of endless tributes to the recently deceased Michael Jackson, many of these profitable spin-off business ventures.
Please forgive me for all this ranting. It’s merely an attempt to describe what has in recent years made me, an American, a bit sick of anything having to do with ‚America‘, a country already transfixed so narcissistically and monolithically on its own image, especially when so many lies are told and so many products are promoted on its behalf. This is why, several years ago, I also objected to my friend and colleague Gerald Peary making a feature-length documentary about American film criticism, thereby unnecessarily severing its roots and its connections with film criticism in the rest of the world.“
[Jonathan Rosenbaum: Some Noises from an Unquiet American, in: The Unqiet American. Transgressive Comedies from the U.S.. Eine Filmschau kuratiert von Jonathan Rosenbaum, Wien: Viennale 2009, S. 10-19: 12. Sehr schöner und lesenswerter Text über die Genese und Rosenbaums Filmauswahl für die Viennale/Filmmuseums-Retro THE UNQUIET AMERICAN. TRANSGRESSIVE COMEDIES FROM THE U.S. Darin auch Antworten auf die Fragen, warum er Chaplin ausgespart hat und auch die Coens, die Farrellys, South Park, Mel Brooks, Jim Carrey, Sacha Baron Cohen, Will Ferrell, Richard Pryor und Adam Sandler nicht vorkommen.]